Training for 6D Action treatment – 8 February (EET, UTC+2)

08.02.2022 18:00-19:00

The training has two parts:

Part 1 – Why use 6D Action? In this part, we first examine the key ideas and technologies of 6D Action. The training continues with the mode of action, the appropriate indications for treatment and the contraindications. We will then review the physiology of the lymphatic system in more detail, including how the treatment supports its functioning. Next will be the 6D Tape feasibility study based on medical imaging and its results. Lastly, we use examples to demonstrate the 6D Action method’s treatment outcomes, including benefits from the perspective of the patient and the therapist.

Part 2 – How to use 6D Action This part covers the practical side of 6D Action treatment. Instructions on how to use 6D Action to physically manipulate the lymphatic system. Instructions for 6D Action treatment in practice. Examples in the form of treatment videos (treatment video collection). Summary: a quick review of the main points of the 6D Action training.



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