Activation Study
Exploring the Effect of Manual and Mechanical Activation of 6D Tape and Actuators on Healthy UppeLimbs.
Summary of independent report by The Allied Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire.
Feasibility Test
The research method chosen was contrast medium imaging. The medium was injected into soft tissue and its passage and rate of travel were recorded on video in real time. The visualization was created by using two cameras: one recording the skin and the other recording the movement of the medium under the skin.
The feasibility study showed 6D Tape treatment to be effective, as it improved the flow of lymph from the intercellular space into the lymphatic vessels. The specific method used was NIRFLI (Near Infrared Fluorescence Lymphatic Imaging), where a fluorescent agent is injected into tissue and its progress and rate of travel through the lymphatic system are recorded on video in real time (Belgrado et al. 2019; Lymffis magazine 2/2019).
Watch the video to see how the feasibility study of 6D Tape was carried out by using contrast medium imaging.